Ruminant Health & Nutrition

Webinar: The power of good bacteria on the dairy farm

February 04, 2024 silage, webinars
On November 2, Dairy Global in partnership with Chr. Hansen hosted the webinar “The power of good bacteria on the dairy farm”. The following presentations were given during this webinar:
1. ‘Maximising profits in farms by focusing on the right indicators‘, by Alex Bach, Doctor at ICREA
-Decisions on farms are usually taken looking at the past
-Must find ways of making quicker decisions and being in control of the herd
-Looking at the right key performance indicators may help in improving profits and making decisions
2. ‘Global Dairy Trends’ by Dr. Oscar Queiroz, Senior Global Portfolio Manager at Chr. Hansen
-Dairy sector – Challenges and opportunities
-Sustainable dairy farming – Holistic view
-Probiotic technology – a tool for sustainable and profitable dairy farming.

3. ‘Chr. Hansen – a partner in every step of the value chain’ by Ainhoa Perojo Gutierrez, Head of Beef & Dairy, APHN, at Chr. Hansen
-Chr. Hansen as the partner in every step of the value chain
-Farm approach to use of own resources
-From field to fork approach